Friday, 19 October 2007

Flash Challenge

Emma gave me an idea (without perhaps realizing it) see challenge by clicking the title of this post.

Why not have a monthly challenge to stimulate problem solving with students (age 5 to 16)?

It would need care to handle it in such a way that youngsters where not put off.

Premise - I set (and then you set) a challenge that can be solved with the free download of Flash 4 that can be obtained here.

Tutorials would be available on line with enough information to solve the challenge.

It is open to all students worldwide. A worthwhile prize is given or possibly several prizes are given for solutions (for worthwhile read £50 financed my whoever wants to gt involved ! me to start with).

Each challenge would have room for improvement - which in the case of the egg is my view - there are some 'deliberate mistakes' (- well I spotted them afterwards!) giving rise to a really high value prize £100 awarded occasionally.

The prizes would be judged by me though if the challenge becomes popular a panel of other 'experts' would do this.

Aim - to promote :-

The use of Flash 4

Problem solving in computer clubs and individuals at home whether in or out of the school system and in any country world wide resulting in a lift gained by solving a moderately difficult problem - even if this did not result in winning 'the prize'.

Requirements: All software and tutorials available on-line.

Your comments appreciated - some version of the above will be activated by October 26th with modifications suggested by you taken into account!

Known problems:

The downloadable Flash trial lasts three months only.

PC users must ue Windows XP or earlier - Vista users use in XP mode.

Mac users - Flash 4 cannot be used with 'modern' iMacs with the intel processor which came in about two years ago. They have to use the 'inferior' Flash MX which they would have to get for themselves though deals should be available through there schools - purchasable on ebay.

Some learning platforms/ Local Edication Authorities may prevent/inhibit access to sites like this and the use of attachments especially flash fles that are seen as potential viruses.(true of Kent LEA at the moment I understand)

Geoff may cease to function adequately.


Blogger ChrisB said...

Hi Geoff, I love the idea of a challenge but I don't think it needs a prize! I am planning to use ths approach with the pupils I work with and am hoping to create a Flash area on the LA website where I can showcase children's work and also have a blog to hear their responses as I will probably only work with them once or twice. I will, as always, need your support!

11 November 2007 at 13:22  
Blogger ChrisB said...

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11 November 2007 at 13:24  

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