Saturday, 13 October 2007


In order that people using Flash in education can post their own work, I have invited some of those using this software to become 'authors' which means they can post information with images and links or start a discussion themselves.

I think the procedure for doing this is fairly straightforward and I've had no unrequested contact from those (Google) who provide this service.

Feel free to contact me if you have queries!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm still at a very early stage in the use of Flash with my y4/3 children at Grange School in Swansea. I'm very grateful for the help and support I've received from Geoff Delllow over the past few months.

I'm hoping that a solution can be found to the issue of licensing Flash as this has proved an obstacle to my developing the work with a larger number of children. I know Geoff Dellow continues to pursue this matter. However, the work to date has inspired so much interset amongst the class that I am determined to continue to develop my knowledge of Flash.

24 October 2007 at 10:10  

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