Sunday, 14 October 2007

First Contribution

Hello everyone, just thought I would introduce myself and show you some of my little projects. Don't worry, I won't give you my life history, I will keep it brief.
I am Chris Beedham, Primary ICT Consultant for Warrington. As I visit my schools they are constantly asking me for new challenges as the children's use of ICT is outstripping the QCA by a mile. When I contacted Geoff for my 'telephone lessons', it was the answer to all my prayers! Having spent many hours dabbling, I have now plucked up the courage to set up some training sessions for teachers. I will let you know how I get on. For now, I can point you in the direction of my personal efforts so far. Please feel free to use them and let me know what you think.

On this page you will find 'Why can't a cat go to school' - a predictive text story for KS1, Warrington at War - based on WW2 landmarks in the town.
'Have you seen Sidney' is less straight forward. It is a video story based on the animals in the Children's Zoo in Walton Gardens. Unfortunately, the VLE won't cope with the video files so it is a matter of downloading all the files into the same folder, then it should work.
Oh, one other thing, these have been made in Flash CS3 but if you want the original files, just let me know.

The following link is related to supporting the Self Review Framework.

I look forward to sharing/collaborating with you in the future. Happy Flashing!


Blogger Geoff Dellow said...

Great to have you contributing.

Flash is moving on to another level with you taking on training teachers to try Flash projects.

Something I haven't heard of happening for several years!

I suspect that there will be others soon traing the teachers in their area - watch this spot in the next few months with Kate also getting 'hooked'. - And then there's Jane who starts this Thursday with me and Geoff in Swansea . . . .

15 October 2007 at 21:14  

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